COmmunity engagement

We care about your community

Matthew 28:19

We believe that we are an extension of the love and hands of Christ.  To that end, we are highly involved the care of our community, locally and globally and provide ways for members to volunteer as well.  

Request Prayer

Our prayer line is open 1 hour after your mid-week and Sunday services.
Dial In here: 877-478-7729

Talk to A Pastor

When life situations arise that require  involvement of the church elders, please call Ms. Nature to schedule  (404) 289-2229  

Food Giveaway

Food giveaways are periodically distributed for the community from within the church walls. Recipients and volunteers are welcome.

Global Partners & Missions

We partner with global organizations focused on feeding and educating children and stabilizing underprivileged economies. 

School Supplies

Participate in our annual backpack and school supply giveaway by bringing supplies or signing up to volunteer to distribute. 

Covid Vaccinations & Boosters

Partnership with the nonprofit CORE (Community Organized Relief Effort) to serve as a vaccination site on specific Sundays. 

Inquire About a Service Above or Volunteer to Serve

Submit an inquiry for your need.  Request to volunteer or partner in an area that connects with your passion. 

Do not neglect to do good and to share what you have, for such sacrifices are pleasing to God.
Hebrews 13:16

Request to Volunteer or Inquire to Serve.

Submit your specified entry below.